Sunday, November 2, 2008

this boy.

there is this boy...

hes tall. i like tall guys.

hes slim, nice lil athletic build...i like that.

hes nice. plus.

he gives foot massages. yes!

he is a poet/rapper...yummy cuz he loves words...

he is a sagitarius! perfect fire sign compatibility...


he is also like 4 years younger. lol.


Its too risky so I sit back with my shades and my hoodie pulled low
When scents and sweat and feelings mix the outcome is dense
So I stay far even though the magnet in my chest pulls toward him

we could be a poem intermixed. but i cant do it. its too risky.

too personal. i crush hard. i like hard. i love hard.
and i dont want to get close.tight.involved.hurt.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What's the update on this? Long-forgotten?

Age I've learnedd shouldnt be as big a factor as we ladies make it out to be. A good one slipped my fingers cuz I couldnt dig his age.

PS- Don't dig the words disproportionately cuz words not backed up with correesponding action will lead to that thing you're trying to avoid... being crushed.